Baby’s Name: Bennett Armistead Schauer

“Bennett Armistead Schauer” is the name of a baby born in 2014. This baby boy would be the first child of 50-year-old actress Laura Linney – who was not legally allowed to have children because of her age. This article explores how Linney chose this unique name, what it means, and how it’s connected to the naming tradition of her ancestors.
The name Bennett Armistead Schauer is pronounced “bahn-teen ar-mee-stuhd schuh-ler.” It is made up of two parts: the first, Bennett, is a traditional English name meaning “son of Armistead”; the second, Armistead, is a name derived from the armiger (a person who bears arms), in this case of Colonel John Armistead, an American Revolutionary War hero. Laura Linney chose this name for her son because it is unique and has some interesting historical roots.

Bennett Armistea Schauer was not chosen at random; Laura Linney researche the meaning of the name before choosing it. According to one source, Bennett is a “bright and cheerful” name that means “one who brings joy” or “one who causes happiness.” The second part of the name, Schauer, has several meanings. The most obvious one is “shower” or “drenching rain,” which reflects Linney’s prediction that her son would be a ‘wet one.’ Another possible meaning is “scorche earth,” which could

What was the Bennett Armistead Schauer cause for Bennett being born

Bennett Armistead Schauer was born on February 24th, 2018 and his parents have decided to name him after a Civil War general. Bennett is the son of Chad and Angela Schauer who reside in Lewisburg, West Virginia. Angela has ancestry from North Carolina and Chad has ancestry from Kentucky.

The cause for Bennett being born was a surprise to both of his parents. Angela had been pregnant for about six months when she started having contractions. She drove to the hospital and was given a few minute to make a decision about whether or not she wante to have the baby there. Once she made the decision to go ahea with the birth, they were then told that Bennett had heart problem and need surgery as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Bennett’s surgery was a success and he is now doing well overall. He is schedul to be discharged from the hospital in a few weeks and will then begin outpatient care. Angela says that naming their son after General Bennett was something that they both felt strongly about and are glad that it turned out as well as it did.

What was life like for Laura before Bennett was born?

Before Bennett was born, life was busy and hectic for Laura. She had to juggle work, school, and raising a child all while trying to maintain a healthy balance. As a first-time mom, she found it difficult to know what to do and where to turn for advice. Fortunately, she had some great support from her family and friends. They helped her learn about breastfeeding, how to get comfortable with sleep deprivation, and what to expect in the early stages of babyhood. Bennett was born on March 1st and Laura has never looked back. He brings happiness and laughter into her life every day and she can’t imagine life without him.
What was life like for Bennett before he was born?

Before Bennett was born, life was busy and hectic for him. He had to juggle work, school, and raising a child all while trying to maintain a healthy balance. As a first-time dad, he found it difficult to know what to do and where to turn for advice. Fortunately, he had some great support from his family and friends. They helped him learn about breastfeeding, how to get comfortable with sleep deprivation, and what to expect in the early stages of babyhood. Bennett was born on March 1st and Bennett has never looked back. He brings happiness and laughter into his father’s life every day and he can’t imagine life without him.

World News: What Is Happening Around the World in 2018

Bennett Armistead Schauer was born on December 1, 2018 in Dallas, Texas. He is the first baby ever to be name after both a U.S. president and an astronaut.

Bennett Schauer is also the first baby to be born in Texas in 2018 and the fourth baby to be born in Dallas that year. Bennett is the son of Kendra Schauer and Armistead Bennett, who are both doctors.

Bennett’s parents chose his name because they wanted it to be unique and reflect both of his parents’ professions. Armistead is a doctor who specializes in gastroenterology, while Bennett is an astronaut who has been assigne to fly on the Space Shuttle Endeavour.

Bennett Schauer has already made headlines around the world. He was feature on ABC News Nightline and was interview by Good Morning America. Bennett also received a congratulatory phone call from President Trump.

Was there a long family history of children in this age group?

Bennett Schauer had a long family history of children in this age group. His parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents all had children in their early 20s. This is likely due to the fact that many couples are able to conceive in their early twenties and have healthy pregnancies. Bennett’s parents also both worked full time, allowing them to spend plenty of time with their children.


When it comes to picking a baby’s name, there are no wrong answers. But if you’re looking for something unique and special, consider Bennett Armistead Schauer. This name is not only unique, but also has a beautiful story behind it. Bennett Armistead Schauer was born on February 2nd, 1892 in Louisville, Kentucky. At the time of his birth, his parents were both doctors and they had high hopes for their son. Unfortunately, Bennett never lived to see adulthood; he died in infancy due to complications from rheumatic fever. Nonetheless, his parents chose this unusual name as their son’s baptismal moniker and it has since become one of the most popular names in the United States! If you’re looking for an unusual yet memorable baby name that will stick with your child long after they’ve grown up, give Bennett Armistead Schauer a try!

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