Travis the Chimp Relationship With His Owner Was Closer Than Married Couples

Travis the Chimp relationship with his owner Rene was unusual, but not without its upsides. A close relationship between a human and an animal can be beneficial for both parties. Animals may have the perception of companionship with their owners, and owners may find it comforting to have their pet nearby. However, there are also some negatives that come out of owning such a close friend. Travis the chimp andy’s relationship with his owner Rene was odd, but not without its upsides.

The Travis the Chimp Story

It was a relationship that lasted over 20 years. And, in many ways, it was closer than most marriages. Travis the chimp would often sit in his owner’s lap, and they would watch television together or eat snacks. He would also give her kisses and hug her.

The two would even sleep in the same bed. “He was like a son to me,” she said. “I loved him.” But their relationship wasn’t always easy. Travis could be aggressive, and he once bit her so badly that she needed surgery. Still, she forgave him and they continued to be close until Travis died of old age in 2012.

Why Travis’ Relationship with His Owner Was So Special

There are many reasons why Travis’ relationship with his owner, Sandra Herold, was so special. For one, Travis was incredibly loyal to Herold – he would always stay by her side and protect her, even when she was in danger. Additionally, the bond between Travis and Herold was incredibly strong – they would often spend hours playing together and cuddling. Finally, Travis was incredibly intelligent and could communicate with Herold in ways that other animals couldn’t. This allowed for a level of understanding and connection that most humans could only dream of having with their pets.

Travis the chimp’s relationship with his owner, Stanely Marshall, was one of the most special human-animal bonds ever documented. For over 20 years, the two were inseparable companions, and Travis showed an incredible capacity for love, empathy, and loyalty.

Even from a young age, it was clear that Travis had a deep connection with Stanley. When Travis was just a baby chimp, he would cling to Stanley like a human child would cling to their parents. As he grew older, Travis continued to be incredibly attached to Stanley – following him everywhere he went and always wanting to be close by his side.

This deep bond between Travis and Stanley was evident in the way that Travis would comfort and console Stanley when he was upset or stressed. For example, on one occasion when Stanley was having a bad day at work, Travis gently hugged and kissed him on the cheek – seemingly trying to make him feel better.

There are countless other examples of the special bond between Travis and Stanley – too many to list here. But suffice it to say that their relationship was unlike any other human-animal bond that has been documented. It was truly special and one-of-a-kind.

What Other Relationships With Animals Share This Level of Intimacy?

Intimate relationships with animals are not uncommon. In fact, many people report feeling closer to their pets than they do to other members of their family. This level of intimacy is often seen in relationships between humans and their dogs or cats, but it can also occur between humans and other animals, such as horses, birds, and even reptiles.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of an intimate relationship between a human and an animal. First, there is typically a great deal of time spent together. This allows for the development of trust and mutual respect. Additionally, people who have intimate relationships with animals often feel as though they can confide in them without judgment. And finally, these types of relationships are often built on physical affection and touch.

While Travis the chimp’s relationship with his owner was certainly unique, it is not necessarily unusual for humans to form such close bonds with animals. If you have ever felt particularly close to a pet, you may be surprised to learn that you are not alone.

Can Humans Imitate Travis’ Human Behavior?

It is no secret that Travis, the chimp who tragically attacked his owner’s friend, had a special relationship with his owner Sandra Herold. In many ways, their bond was stronger than that of many married couples. Travis displayed human-like behavior in many ways, from the way he communicated with Herold to the way he showed affection.

Herold and Travis could communicate with each other in their own language, which they developed over years of living together. This communication was more than just simple commands – it was a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and emotions. Travis would often make grunting noises to let Herold know what he wanted, and she would respond in kind.

In addition to being able to communicate with each other, Travis and Herold also showed physical affection towards one another. Travis would often put his arm around her or rest his head on her shoulder. He also liked to give her kisses on the cheek. These are all behaviors that are typically seen in close human relationships, not between humans and animals.

Ultimately, Travis’ human-like behavior was one of the things that made him so special to Herold. Their bond was unlike any other, and it is tragic that it ended in such a violent way.

Should You Get a Pet Like Travis?

A chimp like Travis can make a great pet, but there are some things to consider before you get one. For one, they are a lot of work. You need to be prepared to feed them, clean up after them, and provide them with enrichment activities. They also require a lot of space, so you need to have a large home or backyard.

Another thing to consider is that chimps can be aggressive. Travis was known for his playful personality, but he could also be aggressive if he felt threatened. If you’re considering getting a chimp as a pet, you need to be prepared to deal with this potential aggression.

Finally, you need to be aware of the legal implications of owning a chimp. In many states, it is illegal to own a chimp as a pet. Before you get one, research the laws in your state and make sure you are prepared to comply with them.


It’s clear that Travis the chimp had a very close relationship with his owner, Charles Hance. In many ways, their relationship was stronger than most married couples’. Travis was always there for Charles when he needed him, and vice versa. They truly loved and depended on each other. While it’s tragic that Travis is no longer with us, we can take comfort in knowing that he lived a happy life with someone who loved him dearly.

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