9 Bizarre Myths of Ugly Girls About Pregnancy

During pregnancy, all women go through several drastic physical and emotional changes, which can sometimes be perceived as negative. However, some women are bound to face more difficulties than others. Women with ugly features (whether it be their looks or their personality) tend to have an especially hard time during this process, as many myths surround them that paint them in an unflattering light, whether they are actually true or not. Here are nine of the most bizarre myths about ugly girls who get pregnant.

Ugly girls top myths about pregnancy

1) The baby will fall out if I sneeze

It’s important to remember that your baby is well protected by the uterus, so your baby won’t fall out just because you sneeze. The pregnancy hormones will make me want to eat everything in sight

It’s important to remember that these hormones are not causing hunger; rather they are influencing how a woman feels about food and eating. If a woman has a predisposition towards obesity before pregnancy, her risk of gaining too much weight during pregnancy is increased. I’ll get stretch marks if I gain too much weight during my pregnancy 

Girls with dark skin or certain hair colors may be more prone to having stretch marks than other girls.

2) You will die if you eat pop tarts while pregnant

You will die if you eat pop tarts while pregnant. Seriously. It’s a bummer too because now the only thing I can think about when I’m pregnant is pastries and croissants. These are two of my favorite things but apparently, they aren’t safe for me to consume during this time. Can’t life just be a little fairer for a change? Pop tarts are perfect pregnancy food! They’re nutritious, delicious, and filling! Plus, there’s really no such thing as getting too much protein so long as it’s not from animals; eggs are plant-based protein but our doctors say it’s not safe either so how am I supposed to eat without dying or getting some kind of disease?

3) Labor pain is like having your legs broken

There are a lot of ugly girls out there who have no idea what it’s like to have labor pain. I speak from experience when I say that it is not a walk in the park. It hurts like crazy. It feels like having your legs broken, which is much worse than labor pain in my opinion and having your head smashed against the wall while people scream at you. Actually, just thinking about the memory makes me want to start crying again. To be fair, sometimes it doesn’t hurt as much as other times or at all, but those are actually rare cases. I had two children through natural childbirths and remember that contractions were awful both times but only right before I gave birth did they completely go away because my body was prepared for pushing afterward.

Ugly Girls

4) The baby will break your vagina

This is such a stupid myth! Your vagina will never break during pregnancy, especially not because of the baby. The vagina is actually a very stretchy organ, so it’s impossible for it to snap or rupture as long as you’re taking care of your pelvic floor muscles and pelvic bones. Let go of this one, ugly girls!

5) Your uterus is a balloon

Ugly slim girls have an easy time during pregnancy. It’s all playing with a balloon while they are expecting, they say. The ugly fat girls might disagree – the extreme weight gain can make it hard to breathe and even more difficult to sleep. But that doesn’t mean the ugly fat girls have it worse. Here are nine things only the ugly fat girls will understand about pregnancy:

– This is harder than I thought! (Try getting up after a full night of tossing and turning.)

– NO sleep at all! (Insomnia doesn’t start until week 16.) – How am I going to get through another day like this?

6) Women who have babies have flat stomachs again right away

Having a baby is a lot of work, and most pregnant women don’t have the energy to spend hours at the gym. But one of the myths these ladies in our 9 ugly girls video bust is that they return to their pre-pregnancy weight right away. In reality, some new moms need up to 6 months or more after having a baby before they can get back into their pre-potion weight range. And even then, it might not be exactly where they left off– and that’s okay! Healthy mommy + healthy baby = happy mama.

7) You can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding

Ugly girls often believe that they cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding. The reality is that it’s possible to become pregnant while breastfeeding because the hormones of nursing cause ovulation to restart. Nursing mothers need to be aware of this, and use protection or not breastfeed at all if they do not want to get pregnant again.

8) The baby takes up ALL the room in your stomach

Ugly girls, let’s be honest- when you’re pregnant, it feels like your stomach is the size of a hot air balloon. Is there any room for the baby? In order to make space for the fetus, all pregnant women have to do is push on their stomachs or eat less food. With nine months to go before she delivers, plenty of space will open up.

9 )Not all women get stretch marks

Stretch marks are usually a result of changes in the body’s texture, from increased tissue growth to stretched skin and rapid weight gain. When an individual has stretch marks, this usually comes from a lack of collagen that is needed to keep skin tight and protect it from rapid stretching. Common reasons for stretch marks in pregnant women include malnutrition and fast weight gain during pregnancy. For some women, stretch marks will appear soon after the abdomen starts expanding during pregnancy (early). While others may not have any until after they deliver their baby (late). Sometimes though, pregnant women get a combination of early and late stretch marks. At different points throughout their pregnancy as well. All pregnancies are different but one thing is certain. It’s definitely not just some ugly girls who get these sexy striations!

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